Science to Health in Haematology on a Global Scale

Haematology, the study of blood and blood disorders, underpins health. Tanzania and UK have established experience and expertise in this field at institutional and national level, and have been at the forefront of significant advances in Europe, Africa and globally. The last twenty-five years has seen progress in health sciences, particularly in two areas: genomics and haemopoiesis. The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003 and Gene Editing was recognized in 2020, with a Nobel Prize to Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier. There has been major progress in Haemopoiesis, the study of the production of blood, which has led to an increase in the understanding of this process and has allowed the development of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.

The interest of people is to see the translation of scientific achievements into benefits to society. This requires partnerships in different sectors and at different levels. This meeting will bring stakeholders from science, health, academia and policy to strengthen and develop partnerships. At the heart of these discussions in the patient community who are key partners in this process. The main goal is to develop strategies to improve partnerships through the generation and application of scientific knowledge. The meeting will serve to educate a diverse audience of stakeholders on current scientific efforts underway and to foster dialogue that will inform strategies for accelerating science, promoting development of research infrastructure through partnership with institutional, national and global partners, and assuring sustainability of science in improving health in UK, Tanzania and globally.